Welcome to Lakes Telecommunications

Acceptable Use Policy


This policy should be read in conjunction with our general terms which you can read here

John Steel agrees to provide the client web hosting for the advertised monthly fee. John Steel will never require client to advertise for him in any way shape or form. The Client is allowed to use site for business or personal web sites or content.


All services provided by John Steel may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any English Law, United States Federal, State or City law or other international law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material that is threatening or obscene, material that is "adult only" content, or material protected by trade secrets and other statue. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless John Steel from any claims resulting from the use of the service which damages the subscriber or any other party.


Pornography and sex-related merchandising are prohibited on any server. This includes sexual content, or direct links to adult content elsewhere. This is also true for sites that promote any illegal activity or content that may be damaging to our servers or any other server on the Internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited. John Steel will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

Examples of non-acceptable content or links:

  • Pirated software
  • Hackers programs or archives
  • Warez Sites
  • Porn
  • Spamming Software
  • Sites not using English (this is because content of site cannot be verified)
  • Sub-hosting (Splitting the site between more than one user)

John Steel will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

Traffic Guidelines

All sites are limited to a certain amount of free traffic per month. the actual limits will be defined in your contract. In the absence of any other defined limit the standard limit will apply, this is no more than 1 Gbyte of quota (space occupied by files) no more than 10 Gbytes of bandwidth (traffic used by people accessing the site), no more than 50,000 inodes (all files, folders emails use one inode each) and no more than 15% processor occupancy in any one hour.

Sites that go over the allowed free traffic will be charged additional fees based on current published tariffs. Sites must pre-pay this fee, and a site is subject to suspension if bandwidth is unpaid for. Your control panel will normally mail you when your bandwidth allowance approachs 90% to give you time to make payment if you wish to, however this e-mail message is not guaranteed and no liability can be accepted if you do not receive prior notice. If you exceed your bandwidth your site is automatically suspended for the remainder of that month but will automatically come back into operation on the 1st day of the following month.

Servers are automatically controlled and in the event you use more than your allowed capacity, your site may be temporarily disabled if in our opinion your use could be detrimental to the operation of the server or impact on other users.

Background Running Programs:

As a general rule we do not allow background running programs. We may allow programs to run continually in the background , these are considered on a one to one basis and an extra charge will be incurred based on system resources used and operational maintenance needed.


We currently do not allow you to link to or use IRC or IRC bots such as eggdrop, and BitchX on our servers.

Spam Or Unsolicited E-Mail

Our servers may not be the source, intermediary, or destination address involved in the transmission of spam, flames, or mail bombs. Your domain may not be referenced as originator, intermediary, or reply-to address in any of the above. SPAMMING sites on other servers which in turn contain links to a domain on our servers is prohibited. We consider spam any mass unsolicited message in the mediums of Bulletin Boards, News groups, e-mail and any other online medium. In other words, do not e-mail someone if they do not know you. Also, you are not allowed to sell or promote spam or spam related products on your site. If you are found to have spammed, then we will immediately, without warning, disable your domain. In addition, we will impose a £200 penalty fine for each spam policy violation. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel service to known spammers. Lastly, we reserve the right to determine what violates this policy.

John Steel will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of this provision.

As such, any violation will result in immediate de-activation of services without prior warning


Any attempts to undermine, slander, libel, threaten, or cause harm to any server, customer, employee, or the company directly is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate termination without re fund. In addition, we will pursue all attempts to the fullest extent of the law.


Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold John Steel harmless from:

(1) any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable lawyers fees asserted against John Steel., its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, it's agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless John Steel against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with any server;

(2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party and

(3) copyright infringement. Customer agrees to limit the liability of John Steel to the amount paid for service.

Refusal of Service:

John Steel reserves the right to refuse or cancel service at our sole discretion. In the event of any cancelation of service any refund is limited to the amount of the hosting part of any contract remaining unused. There will be no refund of domain registration fees, however the client shall have the option of transferring the registration to another provider, if they meet any actual costs of that transfer.


John Steel will not be responsible for any damages you may suffer. John Steel makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. As there is no control over how the services provided may be used John Steel disclaims any warranty or merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose unless this is agreed in writing prior to service being taken or is specifically listed in the product specification on this site. This includes but is not limited to loss of data resulting from delays, and any and all service interruptions caused by John Steel and his service providers. John Steel reserves the right to change or update policies without notice and any change will be effective on all new customers immediately and all existing customers 30 days after the notice is published. Whilst every effort will be made to advise all existing customers individually of any change, this is not guaranteed, any change will be deemed delivered providing they are sent to the last registered e-mail address known for the customer.

If any terms or conditions are failed to be followed it will result in grounds for immediate account deactivation.

Validity of Acceptable Use Policy

All users must accept this policy before using services provided by John Steel, whether or not specifically accepted electronically or otherwise, payment for the services provided and use of the services provided is deemed to be acceptance, by the user,of the acceptable use policy and the general terms and conditions.

John Steel, 20th February 2012.